Monday, March 7, 2011

Thank you to the thoughtful artists who submitted work!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. despite signing in, and up, I cannot download the PDF prospectus. maybe this email blast of extended deadline caused a mad rush? any advice? The prompt asks to try again later.

    Is the prospectus available in another way?
    thankyou. I am thrilled the jurying is extended, I have a piece I'm happy about that I feel fits in poetically and I missed the previous deadline. Cheers, c.Carroll

  3. I would enter but almost 50% commission + $25.00 is way too steep. I am sure you will censor this which is really ironic but just wanted to let you know.

  4. Please, note:
    The title of my first entry is shown incorrectly.
    It is shown as “email” instead of “Boxed & Labelled”
    Thank You,
